

Welcome to where it all started. At the end of World War II, a group of American soldiers followed God right back to Japan and the Philippines. Their battle now was for the souls of those who did not know the saving power of Christ. Our work among the unreached in Asia has expanded to Thailand, Taiwan, and other countries. We employ so many approaches in order to share the love of Christ with Muslims and Buddhists that we can confidently say: Whatever gifts and talents God has given you, he can use to reach Asia.

SEND Asia Ministries

SEND workers, in partnership with a sister organization, will engage Indian Muslims by...
The growing SEND Japan team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and...
SEND is sharing the hope and light of the gospel with Muslims in Asia, Eurasia, Europe and...
SEND workers engage South Asian Muslims by building bridges of friendship and understanding....
Muslims in this part of Southeast Asia—over 10 million people—have been ignored...
As we look around the small island nation of Taiwan, our focus is drawn to the needs of...
University students. Urban professionals. Desperately poor villagers. At-risk women. Drug...
“Asia is home to 70% of the world’s Muslims, 77% of the nonreligious, 98% of the Buddhists and 99% of the Hindus. Today in Asia there are still more than 4,000 unreached people groups, and so our pioneer work of making disciples continues. Am I discouraged? No way! God is at work in Asia like at no other point in history, and you and I get to join him in that work!”
— Jon Eckstein, Asia Regional Director
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