
Engage Russia Internship Opportunity

Opp ID: 012617RU
internship russia ministry experience
Come and explore what God is doing in the multi-ethnic tapestry that is modern Russia. We are looking for individuals who want to come, explore and experience full-time cross-cultural ministry in three to twelve months. Participants should be interested in learning Russian and/or additional ethnic minority languages/cultures, and can choose from one of several ministry tracks. See Additional Information below for more information on these ministry tracks.
Country: Eurasia, Russia
Term: Short-Term (2 weeks - 1 year)
Since each location is unique and therefore ministry is unique in each place, many specific tasks may vary. However, in each track, as an Engage Russia intern, you can expect to...
  • Participate in intentional language and culture study
  • Attend and, if needed in your local context, use your spiritual gifts to serve a local church under the leadership of SEND missionaries AND local church leaders
  • Lead or assist with English Clubs, various other outreach and/or community service activities (i.e. sports outreach, public health, etc.)
  • Work closely and meet regularly with experienced SEND missionaries who can help you process your cross-cultural experience and provide guidance as you discern God's call on your life
Specific Qualifications:
  • Teachable spirit and willingness to submit to SEND Russia and local church leadership
  • Willingness to share an apartment if needed, or live in a dorm setting
  • Ability to live independently (laundry, meal prep, etc.)
  • Growing relationship with Jesus
  • Heart for the glory of God to penetrate the unreached and a passion to make global followers of Christ who will spread the gospel
  • Growing ability to be a team player with fellow workers and nationals
  • Humility to work behind the scenes and empower and encourage others to lead
  • History of active ministry in one's local church
  • Heart of a servant, flexibility and cultural sensitivity

Start Date: 
This opportunity is on hold for most applicants. SEND Eurasia expects to resume building our team in this sphere once political conditions allow.
Additional Information:

Engage Russia Ministry Tracks Include:

Relationally engaging with youth, international students, possibly in a sports or English outreach context, in an ethnically Russian, small city context in the Black Soil Region of Russia

Ulan-Ude: Engaging in English Outreach, outdoor sports, and/or community service as part of a church planting ministry among the Buryat people, a Tibetan Buddhist ethnic community in Siberia

UTown: Engaging in pioneering, relationship-building gospel outreach in a largely Muslim community

New Teams: Any of the above tracks will likely also include ministry trips to additional locations where SEND is partnering with other believers to establish new church planting outreaches in new UPG communities in Russia