
Looking Forward

Tags: SEND North, Story

It is common to take time at the start of each New Year to scan the horizon to ponder and plan for the next 12 months.  People in the far north tend to live more in the moment, so planning is not as pervasive as in large metropolitan areas.  For us in ministry it is a time to take a breath and prayerfully seek God for his direction.  2015 certainly will bring interesting challenges for us.  A few of them are as follows:

  • The legalization of recreational marijuana recently passed in the 49th state (only the fourth state to do so). The concerns and challenges you've heard in the news are greatly amplified this Far North.  The rate of alcohol abuse is much higher as well as the resulting deaths and domestic violence.  Since that addiction brings so much pain and heartache, we are bracing ourselves for the aftershocks of this voter decision.
  • Lower gas prices also bear a challenge.  Alaska's state budget is tied to the price of crude oil.  So as we all rejoice at the pump, lawmakers prepare for budget cuts.  This has an impact on everyone in Alaska.
  • We rejoice for the opportunities of expansion in Yellowknife, which will bring growing pains that we gladly welcome.  As our team stretches out eastward we must prepare for new logistical challenges, build new partnerships, recruit new workers, and seed the ground with prayer.
  • Everyday life is full of work with our unsaved neighbors and brings the regular surprise challenges of wilderness survival.
  • Finally, this month each of our teammates are prayerfully looking forward, seeking God and setting ministry goals.  Please be in prayer for them and for our regional ministry coaches who will be making this journey with them.  Pray for wisdom, insight, and encouragement!

What about you?  How will you join with God to advance His Kingdom?  One small goal could be to use our social media tools to pray more effectively for us.  Would you commit to checking in with us online at least two or three times a week and praying when you do?  Perhaps you could go a step further and share this work with friends or perhaps your church?  The links below can help you get started.  Whatever steps you take it is our prayer that you will follow God to new heights this year! Follow SEND North on social media: Facebook      Twitter     Google+    LinkedIn    Pinterest     Download the free report, God's Extreme Love; Life and Ministry in the Far North.