
"One Woman's Journey;" part #1

Tags: SEND North, Story

(The following is the first in a four part series. A member of the SEND North team shares her perspective on the path into missions which God has led her on, from child to church planter.)

He Leadeth Me

 She listened intently to the wrinkled, smiling missionary and noticed his eyes light up as he shared his heart-core for missions—his desire to see God’s glory among the nations.

 A rhetorical question hit the child’s mind and never left: How can I do anything less than give my life to Christ?

 This question propelled the child forward in search of those who have not heard—those who are lost and rely on creation alone to announce the glory of the Son.

 Years pass and she still seeks Him…

 Through events only God can orchestrate the woman now finds herself serving Him in a Texas mission organization alongside her intern-friend and future husband.

 Hot days and an air-conditioned office set the stage for what was to come.

 After the wedding and return to serve full-time, the husband felt a drawing to return to bush Alaska—to the ground he had once stood on years before while teaching on the North Slope.

 Excitement to tell his wife was overshadowed by the realization that she loved the hot, humid and bright hours of Texas—she must come for Him, not him.

 God is able.

 Nearly two years later this husband’s secret prayer was answered in a declaration his wife made without any instigation by man—merely the Spirit’s prompting honoring a husband’s faithful prayer.

 She turns toward her husband: I want to be a missionary in Alaska!

 God’s gracious sovereignty brings this couple to the cold wilderness of the bush.