By a former missionary in the Middle East — In August, Saudi Arabia will host anywhere from 1 to 3 million Muslims from around the world for the five- or six-day event called the Hajj. This pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all able-bodied Muslims must complete the Hajj at least once in their lifetime.
There are a number of prescribed things that each Muslim on pilgrimage must perform, and one of these is the sacrificing of a sheep or goat. This commemorates Abraham being willing to sacrifice his son (don’t get into the discussion of whether it was Isaac or Ishmael), but God intervening at the last moment and providing an animal instead. While this event takes place during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia, Muslims around the world who aren’t on pilgrimage also remember and celebrate. In fact, this celebration—called Eid al-Adha, meaning Celebration of the Sacrifice—is the biggest of the Muslim calendar. This year, the Hajj will be August 9-14 (or 15), with Eid taking place between the 10th and the 13th, depending on where you live.
While there are many things you could talk to your Muslim friends about this coming month concerning the Hajj, I would especially encourage you to engage in conversation with them on two questions:
For the first question, I suspect you will hear comments like, “We put on clean white clothes to show our hearts are clean,” or, “to reflect that we have confessed our sins and sought the forgiveness of our sins.” (The very fact that they put off their old clothes and put on new white clothes should show their understanding of their need to be cleansed.) Whatever their explanation, you can follow up by asking how long their hearts stay clean or their sins stay forgiven. Do they need to perform the Hajj again, or is once entirely enough to cleanse them of their sins forever? In your discussions, where possible, use Scripture and point them to Jesus; don’t argue, be patient. Pray a lot.
For the second question, perhaps you could follow up with them by asking why a sacrifice was necessary in the first place? Pray for wisdom and take the opportunity to share about the gravity of how God looks at sin, and that all sin is rebellion against a Holy God and is punishable by death. And then ask them to consider the one true sacrifice made by the only perfect person who ever lived, Jesus. The Quran says and Muslims believe that Jesus was sinless, they just don’t fully grasp the significance of his willingness to go to the cross for them and to be their perfect sacrifice once and for all. This could be their opportunity to hear this for the first time ever!
As part of the 10/10 Prayer Initiative , 180 agencies have come together to ask God to draw to himself 10 percent of the world’s Muslims in the next 10 years. 10/10. Easy to remember, yet such an amazingly big task that only God can do it. Will you join us?
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