By Diaspora North America February 10, 2025
Have you ever had your plans unexpectedly rearranged? That’s exactly what happened during my visit to a refugee family.
By Emily Westcott January 30, 2025
Intentional planning, preparation, education, and rest are all essential components of effective mission work. This is especially true for missionaries working overseas.
By Diaspora North America January 10, 2025
The weight of shame for Muslims is all-encompassing, overwhelming, and so painful. It causes them to avoid seeking help at all costs.
By SEND North January 8, 2025
Many of our missionaries show the love of Christ by being available and helping at-risk families by taking care of children for short-term periods or even sometimes long-term.
For some, holidays with family are important, especially with grandkids in the picture.
By Emily Westcott December 19, 2024
For some, holidays with family are important, especially with grandkids in the picture.
By Helene Macalalad December 12, 2024
Explore the power of hospitality! From unplanned visits to cultural meals, discover how to make every guest feel special.
By Emily Westcott December 8, 2024
We have a Christmas ornament that states: “Wise men still seek Him.” I like that statement, but it is missing something. We seek him because he first sought us. Inside each of us, there is a voice calling us to know our creator. Saint Augustine wrote in his Confessions,  “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” Our Muslim friends need to hear these wise words written so many years ago. They seek to settle the restlessness and uncertainty they feel through their actions or merit by following the Five Pillars of Islam: Fasting, Giving to the Poor, Pilgrimage/Hajj, Daily Prayers, and Reciting their Creed. But it is God’s gift for us to find our rest in Him. It is not based on who we are and what we do, but on him and what he has done for us. Our call as followers of Jesus is to speak the Word, live out the Word in front of them, and help them see that this rest, this grace, is not based on good deeds but through submission to the Lord.
By Emily Westcott November 26, 2024
“Every good landing starts with a stabilized approach.” As a student pilot, I often heard my flight instructor remind me of this truth. In part, he meant that achieving the goal of a safe landing starts with intentional preparation. Wouldn’t we say that this principle applies to many aspects of life? In fact, the more difficult the task we face, the more important the preparation becomes.
In a remote corner of Siberia, Russian & Buryat Christians are taking steps to reach Soyot people
By Emily Westcott November 13, 2024
In a remote corner of Siberia, Russian & Buryat Christians are taking steps to reach the Soyot people
Whenever a hurricane or a typhoon of the highest category hits a country, lives are lost. Even with
By Emily Westcott November 5, 2024
Whenever a hurricane or a typhoon of the highest category hits a country, lives are lost. Even with emergency services deployed ahead of time and numerous warnings, there will still be loss of life. It is tragic and inevitable.
By Anna Martin October 24, 2024
When in Taiwan: Cultural Do’s and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
By Anna Martin October 17, 2024
Taiwanese Christians Answer God’s Call to the Unreached
By Emily Westcott October 4, 2024
“I love her, but I could never marry her. Her father would never allow it as I am from a different ethnic group and lack the social standing to even approach him.”
By Emily Westcott September 26, 2024
Beyond What We Could Ask or Imagine: God’s Mighty Work in LOVE Europe
What comes to your mind when you think of summer? In SEND Europe, summer is a scrapbook of uplifting
By Emily Westcott September 12, 2024
What comes to your mind when you think of summer? In SEND Europe, summer is a scrapbook of uplifting stories and core memories. A student from the Czech Republic helps teach English in Romania. A group of students from Croatia encourages a church in Poland. A multicultural team serves at a community center in Spain
By TM of Diaspora September 6, 2024
How is it that we can get so excited about a 12-game sports season, something that passes by (pun intended) so quickly, and yet many hearts hardly quicken when someone challenges us for the eternal work of the kingdom?
By JG of Central Asia August 30, 2024
Home. So much meaning can be felt in this one word. While most of us have heard and believe sayings such as “home is where the heart is,” there are also some elements of security, stability, and familiarity that we long to experience when relocating to a foreign land.
Living in Bush Alaska
By SEND North Missionary August 27, 2024
Living and ministering as a missionary in bush Alaska has its hardships and difficulties. You learn many new skills and things you never had to do before. Such as how never to leave the snow trail in spring.
Does Depression Disqualify Me from Becoming a Missionary in the North?
By SEND North Missionary August 27, 2024
When pursuing missions as a 22-year-old, a big concern I had was my ongoing struggle with depression. Even though dark thoughts plagued me on and off since early high school, I never talked about them with anyone. I remember one summer day before my sophomore year of high school, looking out my bedroom window and feeling despair settle over me.
Spiritual Battle
By Jim Stamberg August 27, 2024
As children and parents alike enjoy this season of dress up and goodies, it is easy to relegate the spiritual realm to child's play. This past year held two examples of the varied, yet futile tactics of our enemy to prevent God’s Kingdom advances.
By Caleb and Raquel Enns August 20, 2024
We came to Thailand with the long-term plan to join a church planting team to reach the Shan people with the gospel. Because we only moved here about a year ago, our current focus is learning the language and culture and settling into our new life and community here. These are important days of learning and preparation that are laying the foundation for the ministry God has prepared for us in the years to come.
By Julie Mosse August 14, 2024
The paths into cross-cultural ministry can be as unique and varied as the people who God calls to serve him in his global harvest. The Holy Spirit knows us and knows how to move in his followers as they contemplate cross-cultural service. David knew this and marveled,
Looking back, what is one piece of advice you’d give yourself?
By Emily Westcott August 9, 2024
We asked SEND missionaries to reflect on the lessons they've learned over the course of their service. Specifically: "Looking back, what is one piece of advice you'd give yourself if you were starting off as a new missionary again?" Their responses provide insightful perspectives for those embarking on missionary work.
By Emily Westcott August 2, 2024
A few weeks ago, we attended an international conference for those working with Muslims. We heard many wonderful stories of Muslims coming to Christ. One attendee shared, “I have had several Muslims who recently came to our city call me, saying they heard I was a Christian and asking me if I would disciple them!” This was amazing to hear! We rejoiced together as we were reminded of God’s ability to draw people from the kingdom of darkness into his wonderful light.
By Emily Westcott August 1, 2024
My wife and I were just a couple of months away from leaving for home service when the above post from the Operation Japan Prayer Facebook page captured my attention. Around this time, COVID had significantly reduced our ministries with D House interns unable to enter Japan. Most outreach activities in our house and our church were canceled for the foreseeable future.
By John Edwards July 12, 2024
How Missions has Changed Over the Last 30 Years in Japan
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Taiwan: Vision 119
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