Character: The foundation of effective ministry
March 2015

“Regardless of a person’s sense of calling, the foundation for achieving long-term effective cross-cultural ministry is true biblical Christian character.” — David L. Frazier, Mission Smart

By Tim Harman — Striving for godly character should be a key quality in the life of every believer. Colossians 3:1-17 is a primer for holy living. Paul’s plea for the Colossian church was for them to “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” He then goes on to encourage them to “put off” the former, worldly self and “put on” the new, spiritual self.

Our new life in Christ stands in direct contrast to the sinful ways of the world, of which we used to be a part. As God’s chosen people, we are now called to something better because God is better. It is not to earn favor with God.  It is only by His grace we are saved, not of any works we do. Rather, we desire and strive for godly character as a way to glorify God with thanksgiving for what God has done for us in Christ.

Those who live for God will be noticed by those who live for the world. How does the world recognize that we are changed and are enjoying a new life in Christ? By the way we act. By the way we speak. By the way we respond. By the way we live.

Start at home

As someone desiring to serve the Lord overseas, it is important for this to be exemplified here at home first. If it isn’t practiced here, it likely won’t be practiced there. The pressures of moving overseas, adjusting to another culture, learning a language, and living as a foreigner will be challenging on many levels, and could bring a lot of ungodly, fleshly qualities to the surface that will need to be dealt with. Serving overseas is not the time or place to try to “get it all together” spiritually. 

Future missionaries would be wise to develop spiritual disciplines that will help them grow in godly characteristics as part of their preparation for the field. Many missions agencies have an application process by which these things are checked, mainly through personal references. Do the people who know you identify Christ-like qualities in you and know you are striving for godliness?

Start pursuing God

This doesn’t mean that future missionaries have to be perfect! Missionaries who serve overseas are often misunderstood as being a breed of “super-Christian.” They are seen as somehow superior to all other believers, having some sort of “in” with God because they have attained some level of favor.

This couldn’t be further from the truth! We are all in the process of sanctification. We all still wrestle with the world, our flesh, and our adversary. The key is this: What are we doing to make sure godly character is overcoming our worldly desires? What are we doing to keep those fleshly, sinful desires in check? How has God redeemed sin issues or hurts in the past? How are we disciplining ourselves to set our minds on things above? Are we actively pursuing Jesus through his Word, through prayer, through fellowship, through service?

Start at the heart

Godly character starts in the heart, the place where nobody sees but God. People see one side, but who are you when nobody is looking? This is integrity. Eliab, Jesse’s eldest son, had all the outward appearances to qualify as king. He even impressed the prophet Samuel, but he was rejected by God. Why? Man saw the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. The internal didn’t match the external.

Instead, the youngest son, David, was chosen as king because he had a heart that sought God’s heart. Was David perfect? No. But, we know from his life story and from his songs that he desired godly character at all times, even after his failures and in the difficult times. His words should be ours as well as we desire godly character: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

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Tim Hartman
Tim served as a SEND missions coach, helping future missionaries journey along the path to cross-cultural service.