
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Taiwan: Vision 119
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Christmas play offers a new twist on an old story
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Big 'K' Thinking
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Missions teams in SEND
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Team Chiayi village outreach
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Stories connect with Central Asian culture
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Free from fear
By SEND info July 1, 2024
English helps build eternal bridges By a worker in Central Asia “Are you teaching English classes in my city?” “Can you fit my niece into your teaching schedule?” “Can you come to our town and help our church start an English club as an outreach?” I hear questions such as these on a regular basis. People’s longing to learn English reveals their desire to live better and to get ahead in the world. It is such a passionately felt need here in Central Asia that my heart breaks every time I have to tell someone that my schedule won’t allow me to add any more private students or that I only have time to teach in one city. Teaching English opened the doors for me to come here, but what’s keeping me here is realizing that teaching is an excellent way to build bridges to Christ by first building relationships with my students. These relationships give me the privilege of being let into my students’ lives in a non-threatening way, which leads them to want to know me personally. Then, when they feel more comfortable, they ask me about my faith. Recently I had the privilege of sharing the hope of Christ with two of my students. That’s what this is all about. Since the government here actually encourages its people to learn English, the invitation has gone out for more English language teachers. For us, it’s an open opportunity to build bridges that will last for eternity. If only more English language teachers would come! At present, I am the only person on our small team with the time and training to teach English as a second language. If you are interested in seeing God at work in this part of the world and have some experience in teaching the English language, then come help build bridges to Christ through ESL! If you’d like more information, connect with a missions coach by filling out the Get Started form.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Louis' story
By SEND info July 1, 2024
English clubs talk turkey, and more By Lois Thorpe and Kellie Benge in Kiev, Ukraine — A few days before the fourth Thursday of November, students from several of SEND’s English clubs in Kiev gathered for an American Thanksgiving celebration. Overall, 45 Ukrainians from seven English clubs attended the outreach event. Some of SEND’s clubs are connected to churches; others are not. In fact, about 15 of the attendees had never set foot inside an evangelical church. The groups dined on traditional Thanksgiving food, including a 35-pound turkey that had to be pushed home from the market in a baby stroller. Enjoying the 35-pound bird. Since Thanksgiving’s roots are connected to freedom of religion, the program focused on the origins of the holiday and the opportunity to give thanks to God for what He has given, which naturally brought in elements of the gospel message. Speaker Jerry Benge explained that the Pilgrims faced persecution and had to sell everything they owned before they left for North America. They risked their lives, both on the trip and as they settled in their new land. They placed a high value on having a personal relationship with God instead of just following the state religion and traditions. Jerry ended with a question: "What was so important to the Pilgrims that they would risk their lives for it, and is there anything that important in your life?" Feedback for the event was very positive. One student responded that the closing words made him stop and evaluate the purpose of his life. Attendees tried their hand at making turkeys. Several of the clubs will go on to host Christmas events, where the message of Christ will be clearly shared. Pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those who will attend.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Many leave winter retreat wanting to know more
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Disaster Area
By SEND info July 1, 2024
SEND opens library with eternal focus
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Equipping for Ministry - English
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Out of the Snowbank
By SEND info July 1, 2024
A model for intentional evangelism By J.W. in Eurasia SEND proclaims urgency as one of its values: “In light of the urgency of the hour and the lostness of people, we are committed to a life of obedience which calls us to endure hardship as soldiers of Jesus Christ in order to proclaim the gospel and see His church established.” One of our SEND Eurasia workers takes a very intentional approach to living out this value. This worker meets people every day — on the street, in his neighborhood, in the schoolyard, at church, on the bus, etc. He makes a list of people he meets so that he can reconnect with them later. His goal is to try to establish a relationship that will allow him to share the gospel and to connect the person with other believers. When he meets people, he gives them his number and lets them know they can call him at any time if they need anything. When they call to verify his number, he saves their number so he can reach them, too. On his list, he writes down information that will help him reconnect with them in the future: name, age, phone number and the last time they met. He also records specific notes about the person, such as the location where they met or the topic of their conversation. Using his list as a guide, he tries to reconnect with each person within a week or so. He also uses this list as a reminder and a way to intelligently pray for those people with whom he comes into contact. The people on his list come from various economic and social backgrounds. Some of them he has met with just once; with others, he has been able to maintain a continual relationship. Some have started to go to church, and some have come to know the Lord! We can learn a lot from this worker’s intentionality and urgency in reaching the lost for Christ.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
What Does a "Win" Look Like?
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Be a part of Transformation By Rick K. in Russia — Drug addicts looking for freedom, teens looking for meaning and believers looking for training find what they seek at Transformation Christian Center. TCC is one of a kind — the only Christian center in Russia’s Central Black Soil Region. This area remains one of Russia’s least-evangelized regions; only 0.2 percent of its 8 million residents are evangelical Christians. TCC occupies a three-story building on 3.5 acres of forested land. The structure stood dormant for a decade and was badly vandalized before the Russian mission Tree of Eternal Life Association bought it in 2000. Because the building has been only partially renovated, TCC’s ministries operate in limited space. Still, it manages to host a drug-rehabilitation center, a biblical training center, camps and conferences. But, with further renovations, so much more could be done. With more space, TCC would be able to expand its camping program, train additional students for ministry, help more drug addicts and alcoholics, facilitate retreats for adults and youth, and host conferences and seminars focused on pastoral ministry, marriage enrichment, church development and leadership training. SEND International considers TCC a high-priority project because, once the construction is complete, the center will give Russian Christians a greater resource for evangelizing the lost, making disciples and training leaders.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Running, but which way?
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Journey through Russia with video series By Amy Walters in Michigan SEND Communications' short video collection, "Reaching Russia Together," offers a front-row seat to how God is answering prayers for the unreached across this vast country. “Reaching Russia Together” features six short videos highlighting different aspects of SEND’s ministry in Russia. The series spans nearly 4,000 miles and introduces three teams serving across the country. Watching the videos you will meet the diverse people of Russia and learn how SEND workers are empowering Russian churches to reach beyond their borders and establish reproducing churches. You will hear about the life of the Russian orphan. You will see ministries in action and hear testimonies of lives changed by Christ. And you will see how two global workers use their special talents — archery and throat singing — to connect with their communities. Russia is home to 179 people groups, 90 of which remain unreached. SEND workers are expanding their ministries to more people groups and need people to come alongside them to pray, give and go join the work. Maybe throat singing isn’t your special gift. But whatever gift God has given you, He can use it to reach Russia.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
The joys of country living Unlike us Americans who LIKE to get tan, the Taiwanese take measures to protect themselves from the sun. For instance, they do not think it strange to go for a walk on a sunny day with an umbrella over their heads. There are even umbrellas made to block the sun’s rays! Recently Ruth became the grateful recipient of gifts from two neighbors — both intended to deliver her from being over-exposed to the sun as she traveled delivering the Grace meals to needy neighbors. One gift: homemade sleeves meant to be worn just when one is out and about and working in the sun. The other gift? A beautiful red bonnet! So now, Ruth is all set to GO! Ruth wears her gifts with heartfelt joy and gratitude. It’s a beautiful feeling. When one enters into a community and learns to humbly receive and use the help that is offered, solid friendships result. Could this be why Jesus told his disciples to go out without purse or extra shoes and clothing? We are discovering that the people of Dalin love to return our kindness with acts and gifts of kindness, so we are learning to gracefully receive. Sometimes it is HARD, but we are learning to trust God to bless them abundantly and care for their need. Life in the countryside appeals to us. The people are friendly and accessible. It's great to just sit and talk, getting to know our neighbors. After a little while, they open up and we can talk about their needs and the Lord's provision. What a privilege we have to be able to talk with the Taiwanese about real heart issues. This is the joy we have as church-planting missionaries serving with SEND International in Taiwan, pursuing the fulfillment of Vision 119.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Believers active on Kyiv's Maidan
By SEND info July 1, 2024
I found him as love
By SEND info July 1, 2024
English Club also teaches ABCs of life with Christ
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Glory like water
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Fly-by Pastor It is a little cloudy, but overall we've had a clear view the last 30 minutes. Four people are squeezed into the Cessna 182. Our destination should be already in sight, but clouds are covering the area. Our pilot circles the area and finally finds a gap. A few seconds later we land on the snow covered airstrip. At the end of the runway are two men waiting for us on their snow machines. Everybody finds a seat on the machines or in the sled. A dozen people in the small log cabin church are already waiting for us. I start preaching right away. The little congregation has no pastor and for weeks we had planned to go there once a month, but there were two blizzards the last two weeks, and the minimum temperature for flying with the Cessna is -25° F. But now we are here. After the service, we have a potluck together. We have moose stew, salmon sandwiches, and dry fish. The people praise our coming out to their village. It´s afternoon, and the first teens show up in front of the church. We invite them in for lunch as well. The next two hours we have a teen program. In the beginning we play some games, later on, we talk about the first Christmas in Bethlehem. It is almost three o'clock, so we gear up again in our warm winter clothes before it gets too dark to fly. A tail wind gives us a quick return home. Our mission for today is accomplished. In the evening we get another foot of snow. -A SEND North team member Follow SEND North on social media: Facebook Twitter Google Plus LinkedIn Pinterest Download the free report, God's Extreme Love; Life and Ministry in the Far North.
By SEND info July 1, 2024
Sugary gifts tell the sweetest story By Josie Oldenburg in Kyiv, Ukraine The Ukrainian children’s cheers bounced around the classroom when Andy and Holly Rist announced that they came bearing a gift: a special candy all the way from America. The Rists passed out candy canes to each of the children in their son’s second-grade class at their local public school. “I attached a special card, written in Ukrainian, that tells the gospel story through the candy cane,” Holly said. The candy cane is shaped like a shepherd’s staff, because God is our good shepherd who loves us. The red represents the blood of Jesus, shed for the forgiveness of our sins. The white stripe shows us that if we trust in Jesus, He will wash us clean. And if you flip the cane over, it looks like an English letter J, which stands for Jesus. The card concludes with John 3:16. “The teacher read the whole thing – even the verse,” Holly said. “And she explained that is doesn’t matter what country you live in or what language you speak, the birthday of Jesus is something to be celebrated.” The Rist family’s neighbors and shopkeepers in their area also received candy canes. “It’s a small thing,” Holly said. “But we pray over it, and we believe that God’s Word never returns void.”
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