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A Day in the Life of Caleb and Raquel

Hi! We’re Caleb & Raquel from British Columbia!

We came to Thailand with the long-term plan to join a church planting team to reach the Shan people with the gospel. Because we only moved here about a year ago, our current focus is learning the language and culture and settling into our new life and community here. These are important days of learning and preparation that are laying the foundation for the ministry God has prepared for us in the years to come.

We are excited to share with you what one Thursday in our life looks like.


Our morning begins with a cup of coffee, Bible reading, and breakfast.

We make our way to language school by 8:20 every morning. Learning a new language can be challenging and exhausting. But overall, classes are going very well!

After class, we often go to a nearby coffee shop to study, or just sip a delicious cup of coffee. Today we are at one of the most beautiful coffee shops in our city.

Then, we make a quick stop at the market near our house to purchase yummy fruits, meet some local vendors, and practice the language.


This afternoon we took a walk down our street to visit some of our neighbours. We have become good friends with those on our street.

For dinner, we went to a restaurant just around the corner from our church building.


And we have church tonight! In Thailand, people don’t wear their shoes inside, so there is always a big pile of shoes as we arrive at the church. We sing together, read scripture, and enjoy fellowship with our Thai brothers and sisters.

We pray that God will use these days of learning and preparation to equip us for future ministry in the Shan Village. Thanks for joining us for a day in our life!

Watch the video we put together to visualize our "day in the life!"

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