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Joel and Kara Barkman joined SEND in 2014 and lived in Spain for five years promoting creative arts in worship. In early 2022 they returned to the US and now live in Kansas with their two boys Mateo and Owen.  

Their new role as Worship and Arts Development Coordinator opened the door for the formation of the Worldwide Worship Studio, a music production studio aimed at assisting other countries as they develop, write, record and publish their own worship music. Many churches around the world sing songs that have been imported from other languages and cultures, and the Worldwide Worship Studio aims to be a platform by which more churches can sing worship music that was written by their own people, in their own language and style.  

If you are interested in finding out more about this ministry or listening to some of the music produced, feel free to check out the following links! We’d love to hear from you!

Visit our Web Page:

Email us here

Instagram: worldwideworshipstudio

YouTube Channel: