Be Intentional With Connection
As an overseas worker, finding community can be a real challenge. When you find some people who are local to you and you connect with, be intentional. Make a goal of how often you would like to connect with them and for what purpose. Do you need mentorship? Or someone to simply have fun with? Stick to your goals in this because life can get busy and community can get left behind. Make an effort for one another.
An area I sometimes struggle in is connecting with the community in your home country. I also have to set goals for myself in this area. For example, I call a friend from my home culture once a month. I call my parents or other family members once a month. Sometimes one can get wrapped up in work and the struggles of day-to-day life in your new context, so it can be refreshing to talk with someone outside of that context to force you to reflect in a different way and temporarily have you connect with another environment.