Get a Variety of Experience
My best advice for someone considering missions is to get experience in different ways. First, find opportunities in your home church and through local mission efforts. Migration and globalization are bringing more cross-cultural opportunities to almost everywhere in the world, and connecting with people from other cultures is a great first step. If this can be paired up with local church ministry, that is the best. Also, if at all possible, find local churches that are actually working to start new churches and do cross-cultural work to gain experience and see how things can be done- not to come away with a formula for church planting, but to see something that far too many going to the mission field have never seen. Beyond this, taking advantage of a short to mid-term mission trip can be hugely eye-opening and can open our hearts to what God is already doing around the world. This experience has been so vital to so many who are serving long term on the mission field.