By a former missionary in the Middle East — As the shelves of any home décor store will remind you, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. Most Muslims living in the US and Canada have never been invited into a Christian home, but these holidays provide natural opportunities to have Muslims over for a meal. Here are a few ideas for being a gracious, gospel-minded host this holiday season:
As part of the 10/10 Prayer Initiative , over 180 mission agencies have come together to ask God to draw to himself 10 percent of the world’s Muslims in the next 10 years. 10/10. Easy to remember, yet such an amazingly big task that only God can do it.
Please join the prayer initiative either as an individual or consider bringing this to the attention of your small group or Bible study. Simply start by praying, and then as God puts it on your heart, consider engaging Muslims in your circle of life with love and compassion. Remember, you might be God’s answer to bringing Muslims to Christ!
Check out this great resource for informed and focused prayer:
“The 10/10 Initiative for Gospel Engagement”
prayer guide. The guide covers the 52 largest unreached and unengaged Muslim people groups in the world, making it easy to pray for a different people group each week. (The file is large, so you might want to wait until you have good wifi to download!)
Your prayers launch missionaries out to unreached peoples and give them success through the power of the Holy Spirit. Subscribe to Intercede & SEND
, our monthly global prayer calendar.
• Download a free bookmark with daily themes to help you pray for your missionary friends and their children.