Mini Testimonies
“We actually just practiced this at a class at my church. We were challenged to share with someone we knew. I met my people that I wanted to share with but never found an opening. How do I tell my life story with people I already know well? But there are plenty of opportunities to share mini testimonies about how God is at work in our lives right now.
And if they ask more about God working in those small ways, we can take them back to where it all began. I’ve just found that I need to be braver in talking about how I rely on God in these times and not just leave that out when sharing with non-believers.
In terms of testimony elements, we must focus on Jesus and make him the main character of our stories. The real point of the testimony is to show how Jesus has saved us. We have been changed but we are passive in that and Jesus is active. We also should never say we have always been Christian. We might have grown up in a Christian home and were really young, but we all have to have a saving encounter with Jesus and this is what our testimony story is about.”