Find Confidence in Knowing You are Doing God's Work
"Some days I think we all question whether or not we are thriving, but I think the core of thriving is being confident that you are doing God's work. I have felt confident that there is a need here, that God loves the Buryat, Russian, and other people groups of the area, and that I can play a role in seeing the nations reached for God. He has confirmed this through scripture, through fellow Christians, both in Buryatia and in the US, and through a peace He has given in my heart. I am also very blessed to have a wife who feels the same call from God, and has also felt confirmation in the same ways. Certainly God has given other things to help me thrive that are important such as ever growing language skills (though the growth seems very slow at times) and good relationships with teammates and with locals. But all of those things would not be enough without the confidence that God is calling us to participate in his work here."