Discovering a New Home

Written by Amy Magwood.

“God, I do not want to be a missionary in Spain; close this door.”

Kaitlyn was a student in Cross Training at Rocky Mountain College studying Intercultural Studies. In this program, she was required to fulfill a six-month overseas internship. While discerning God’s direction in where to go, she asked her professors to pray for her. Shortly after, they called her into a meeting.

“We think God is calling you to be a long-term missionary in Spain,” they said in agreement. Kaitlyn looked at them and laughed. “I will never go to Spain,” she replied, “not even on vacation.”

A Growing Interest in Africa

Kaitlyn didn’t have any specific objections to Spain, but certainly didn’t feel called there. She quickly forgot about the conversation and headed to Malawi, Africa, for her internship. After coming home, she continued her studies with a growing interest for ministry in Africa.

One of her assignments while in school was to analyze mission organizations and choose one that would be the best to serve with. After some research, SEND became her top choice. However, since SEND did not have workers in Africa, she decided she would never serve with SEND.

A Surprising Conversation

Fast forward to the winter following graduation, and Kaitlyn found herself at Missions Fest Vancouver .  Pamphlets and flyers covered every table in the conference room, while mission representatives engaged in conversation with eager young adults seeking work on the mission field. As she looked around, she saw the booth for SEND and immediately walked over.  

“You guys are awesome,” she said. “I love your organization but will never serve with you because I am heading to Africa. How can I pray for you?” The man at the booth turned, and swiftly replied,

“Have you ever thought about being a missionary in Spain?” Kaitlyn stopped. Her mind suddenly flashed back to that moment in her professor’s office, “ We think God is calling you to be a long-term missionary in Spain .” Dumbfounded, she walked away from the booth and went back to her room.

Doors Open One After Another

That night, Kaitlyn could hardly sleep; she could not get that interaction out of her mind. The next day she went back to the SEND booth. She filled out a general application and did not tell them where God was prompting her. Handing in the papers she prayed, 

“God, I do not want to be a missionary in Spain; close this door .”

The doors did not close. At each step, she repeated that same prayer, but the doors opened one after the other.

By the time she reached the end of the application process, SEND came back with two potential countries in which to serve: Poland and Spain.

“You can take Poland out,” she said with confidence, having surrendered to where God was sending her. “God has been very clear that I am going to Spain.”

Kaitlyn left on her vision trip shortly after, and while in Spain she heard the confirming voice of God tell her,

“You’re going to go back to Canada, and then you’re going to come home.”

Although Kaitlyn never pictured herself in Spain or even serving with SEND, God had other plans. Two and a half years later, Kaitlyn would describe Spain as “very much home”. She is thriving in ministry , volunteering at the local church, and living with her sweet dog Nova. Although Kaitlyn began the journey towards Spain with her heart closed, God gently took her hand and brought her home. 

Please pray for Kaitlyn and other SEND missionaries in Spain who are in total home quarantine and are seeking to be the servants of Christ to their neighbours during the coronavirus outbreak. Read more here.

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