“It is God’s story, I’m just living it!”

Written by Merla Gogel, SEND Canada Mobilizer

Tiffany has been on a 10-year journey, and one thing she has learned looking back on this time, is that an open heart to God puts a person on an unbelievable path.

Tiffany grew up attending church because it was the family thing to do, but she never became serious about her faith until she began studying at Capernwray Bible School in Australia. During this time, it "clicked" for Tiffany what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

One evening, as a lady was praying with Tiffany, she heard a voice saying, “Go into all the world”. Tiffany wasn’t sure what this could mean for her. That evening she wrote in her journal that she would begin praying to discern exactly what God was saying to her.

Back into the Regular Routine

Tiffany finished her studies at Capernwray then returned home to Alberta. After a few years, she fell back into her routine of going to church and not being intentional about growing her faith. She also began to doubt God, and her interest in attending church waned. However, one Sunday her pastor preached on doubt; the Holy Spirit convicted her and helped her to see again that God is real!

Once more Tiffany began to think and pray about going into all the world. However, she imagined that she would be married and in a supportive role to her husband. One day, Tiffany was listening to a Podcast and the subject was God’s provision. The Holy Spirit impressed on her heart that God would provide her needs according to His will and not according to her wishes.

Since Tiffany was familiar with SEND, she went on their website and saw an accounting opportunity at Okutama Bible Chalet in Japan. Could God be leading her to use her education and work experience in this way? God kept reminding her of this ministry which led Tiffany to fill out SEND’s on-line questionnaire and then begin the application process.

One Step at a Time

Tiffany was initially terrified and was not thrilled about going overseas single, however her deeper desire was to be obedient to God. As the application process progressed, Tiffany became more convinced of her calling. She learned to focus on the next step and not worry about what’s down the road.

After Tiffany was accepted, she was asked by SEND to participate in a vision trip. She thought it would be impossible to get time off from work because of an audit that was going to be conducted while she would be away. She talked with her boss and he went from initially saying “no” to eventually giving his approval. Tiffany experienced God working on her behalf!

During this trip, Tiffany had many questions which she chronicled in her journal. Later, when she re-read these entries, she noticed that after writing her concerns she also wrote “but”, and saw how God had responded to each issue.

While in Japan, Tiffany saw God’s love for the Japanese people and she is developing a heart for them as well. She also observed how family-oriented the SEND Japan missionaries are and experienced their kindness. She is grateful to God for leading her to SEND.

God Provides Again!

One other need that Tiffany had was for a financial coach since raising support was not her forte. After sharing about her future ministry in Japan at her church, a lady contacted Tiffany and offered to coach her even though she was not aware of Tiffany’s hope for this! Again, Tiffany experienced God going before her!

God promised that he would provide. Tiffany believed that this would begin after her arrival in Japan, however she has experienced God providing in amazing ways and going before her right from the beginning. She is filled with gratitude to God!

Tiffany’s advice to young people is to have an open heart and be willing to follow God. She admits that this is not always easy, however she has experience firsthand that God’s provision outweighs our needs and concerns.

Tiffany is being a willing servant but she sees this as the only appropriate response to God’s call on her life!

Is there anything that God is calling you to do but you are fearful about? What is the next step(s) that you would have to take to obey him in that?

Here are some titles of inspiring missionary biographies to challenge your faith.

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