New Church Plant Takes

Root Among the Unreached

In 2024, new churches were planted because you gave, you sent, and you prayed.

New Church Plant Takes

Root Among the Unreached

In 2024, new churches were planted because you gave, you sent, and you prayed.

At the core of our mission is planting and nurturing God-honoring, self-sustaining churches across the 27+ countries we serve.

When Tim and Toni began their ministry in Sigüenza, Spain, in October 2021, it was just the two of them worshiping in the church building. Then, a family of three joined them. Slowly, more and more people followed.

Tim and Toni led every aspect of ministry in those early days—from worship and preaching to children's activities and Bible studies. But over time, God raised up local leaders to take on these responsibilities. Tim now shares the pulpit with a man who is passionate about teaching others about Jesus. Another church member leads baptism classes and Bible study. A man who never felt capable of leading anything leads prayer hour. The youth group has two new dynamic leaders. Little by little, Tim and Toni are equipping others, passing leadership into the hands of local believers.

They share, "It's a beautiful experience trusting God to call others to lead what we love. God is working in Sigüenza, and it is GOOD!"

On September 8, 2024, the church celebrated the baptisms of four new believers. This public step of faith is a big deal in a culture where evangelical Christians are often viewed as a cult. It can cost friendships. While Spain is culturally a Catholic country, fewer than 2% know Christ personally.

Sigüenza is a close-knit rural town where everyone knows everyone's business. Since the church in Sigüenza doesn't have an indoor baptistery, baptisms take place in a nearby river, at a pool beneath a waterfall that also serves as a popular picnic spot. There, believers are baptized amidst their community—a powerful testimony of their newfound faith in Jesus.

God is moving in Sigüenza. People are joining the family of God while maturing Christians are embracing their gifts to lead the church. Tim and Toni are witnessing God do abundantly more than they could have imagined.

This is why we labor—to bring the hope of Christ to unreached communities so they can experience his glory and grace. By supporting SEND this year, you've made the life-changing work of establishing churches possible. Thank you for laboring with Tim, Toni, and our SEND team!

Help us reach more people in Europe today

At the core of SEND's mission is planting and nurturing God-honoring, self-sustaining churches across the 27+ countries we serve.

When Tim and Toni began their ministry in Sigüenza, Spain, in October 2021, it was just the two of them worshiping in the church building. Then, a family of three joined them. Slowly, more and more people followed.

Tim and Toni led every aspect of ministry in those early days—from worship and preaching to children's activities and Bible studies. But over time, God raised up local leaders to take on these responsibilities. Tim now shares the pulpit with a man who is passionate about teaching others about Jesus. Another church member leads baptism classes and Bible study. A man who never felt capable of leading anything leads prayer hour. The youth group has two new dynamic leaders. Little by little, Tim and Toni are equipping others, passing leadership into the hands of local believers.

They share, "It's a beautiful experience trusting God to call others to lead what we love. God is working in Sigüenza, and it is GOOD!"

On September 8, 2024, the church celebrated the baptisms of four new believers. This public step of faith is a big deal in a culture where evangelical Christians are often viewed as a cult. It can cost friendships. While Spain is culturally a Catholic country, fewer than 2% know Christ personally.

Sigüenza is a close-knit rural town where everyone knows everyone's business. Since the church in Sigüenza doesn't have an indoor baptistery, baptisms take place in a nearby river, at a pool beneath a waterfall that also serves as a popular picnic spot. There, believers are baptized amidst their community—a powerful testimony of their newfound faith in Jesus.

God is moving in Sigüenza. People are joining the family of God while maturing Christians are embracing their gifts to lead the church. Tim and Toni are witnessing God do abundantly more than they could have imagined.

This is why we labor—to bring the hope of Christ to unreached communities so they can experience his glory and grace. By supporting SEND this year, you've made the life-changing work of establishing churches possible. Thank you for laboring with Tim, Toni, and our SEND team!

Help us reach more people in Europe today

"It is a beautiful experience trusting God to call others to lead what we love. God is working in Sigüenza,

and it is GOOD!”

"It is a beautiful experience trusting God to call others to lead what we love. God is working in Sigüenza, and it is GOOD!”

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