Brandon & Abby Garlock

Brandon & Abby Garlock

Location:  Japan

ID:  403358

Brandon grew up in the church in Huntington, Indiana. In high school, his family moved to North Carolina, where he met his wife, Abby. Abby was raised in North Carolina and grew up in a Christian home. She often enjoyed reading the Bible with her father and serving in their church. Abby knew that one day she would be called to missions but was not sure when it would happen.

After graduating high school, Brandon and Abby were married at age 19 and began a family together. Although they were in church every Sunday as a family, Brandon had not yet surrendered his life to Christ, and he struggled with alcoholism and depression for many years. When he finally did receive Christ, the chains of addiction and depression fell off and he was able to hear God’s call on his life to serve in ministry. It was in a mission class while working on his Master of Divinity degree that the Lord revealed to Brandon that he wanted to use his family to take the gospel to Japan.

Brandon’s grandmother was Japanese and came to the U.S. to start a new life after WW2. While living in the U.S., his grandmother found faith in Jesus, but her Buddhist family disowned her because of her faith, and she was never able to share Jesus with them. God has used this story to speak to Brandon and Abby’s heart about the need to carry the gospel where his grandmother could not. Brandon and Abby now seek to share the love of Christ with Japan in the hopes that many will come to know Jesus and be saved.



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