Location: Central Asia
ID: 399876
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I came from a tribe in a remote village in Southeast Asia. Because of mission work, our tribe was changed when God’s word came with power. Many of our tribe members moved from fear of the evil spirits to freedom in Christ. We were once headhunters but soul winners now. At an early age, I was exposed to the love of God through my family, relatives, and church. My parents shared the Gospel with me at an early age and that’s when I repented of my sins and surrendered my life to Christ. Now, I have an eternal purpose—that is to love God and my neighbors.
God is leading me to serve Him in Central Asia to help with the work being done there. I'm looking forward to being involved in campus ministries and church planting movements. First John 2:17 says, “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” It reminds me that it is His will that His glory is made known to all nations. I am praying to be sent as a worker to the unreached peoples of Central Asia because I believe that when His Word comes with power their eternal destiny will also change.
I am currently working as an educator and helping in campus ministries and in church discipleship in our province. My friends and I also pioneered a summer camp focused on evangelism and missions mobilization designed for tribal people for them to have a lasting impact in their churches and their communities. Lord willing, I could use my profession as a platform in the field as the Lord opens opportunities for me.