E & M L

E & M L

Location:  Eurasia

ID:  405895

We would like to redefine the word “Retire.” Most people think of “Retire” as stopping working daily, enjoying an easy life, or running idle each day. We see “Retire” as entering the pit stop, putting on another set of tires, and then running on different terrains.

We used to work in medical research and nursing care. We stepped out of our comfort zone by faith and learned the local language and culture in a foreign country. We are dedicating our early retirement time to the Lord. It does not mean we have enough money, but by the right adjustment of our material requirements, the Lord’s Grace is sufficient for us. Our current platforms in the field are teaching information technology and alternative energy to mainly Muslims in the area, business as mission, youth ministry, evangelism and discipleship, and reaching out to their families.

Philippians 3: 12, Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I PRESS ON so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold by Christ Jesus.



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