I grew up in a Christian home, on a farm in rural Kentucky with eight older siblings. Growing up I learned about missionaries, read books about them, and even met some. Even though I was touched by their stories and was grieved at the thought of so many unreached people, I never thought I would want to be a missionary. Over the past year, God completely changed my heart towards missions.
When I read Matthew 9:37 “Then he saith unto his disciples, The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few;” I knew that God was calling me to be a laborer in His harvest, but I didn’t know where He wanted me to go.
The spring I graduated, I became aware that there are unreached people groups in Canada, as well as Alaska. It was crazy to me that there could be unreached people in the very same country that I live in! I felt strongly that God wants to use me to reach those people. After talking to my parents I began to research mission opportunities in the North. I researched several different mission agencies, but the more I learned about SEND International the more it seemed to be the right choice.
I love kids and meeting new people, and I am so excited for this opportunity to serve the people in Alaska, and get to share the love of Christ with them!