Joel & Elaine Loewen

Joel & Elaine Loewen

Location:  Japan

ID:  68097

Joel and Elaine Loewen have served in Japan with SEND International for 37 years. They spent 13 years planting a church in Yokohama, then 8 years assisting a church in Tokyo. While there, the 2011 triple disaster shocked the country and the whole world. The Loewens moved into the disaster area and for four years helped a Japanese pastor who was starting a church. Then in 2019, they moved back into the Tokyo area and Elaine began working in the mission office and Joel at Grace City Church Tokyo. Elaine is the Personnel and Member Care Coordinator for SEND missionaries in Japan. Joel passion is to support the leadership at Grace City Church through being on staff, preaching, leading worship and developing small group leaders. Elaine is involved in translation and mentoring. The vision of Grace City Church is to fill Tokyo with the gospel. Joel and Elaine are also team leaders for SEND in the west Tokyo area where they currently reside. All of their present team members are missionaries who are in their first term. Joel and Elaine are coming alongside them to support, encourage and give direction. Their son Bradley (1989), lives and works in Tokyo. The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, "Don't be afraid! Speak out! Don't be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me." (Acts 18:10 NLT) With this vision in our hearts, we desire to see many more people in Tokyo come to Jesus, trust him and follow him. Won't you join us?




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