Karen Johnson

Karen Johnson

Location:  Japan

ID:  204440

I remember the day I finally realized God was calling me to missions in Japan. Bundled up, attempting to stay warm in northern Minnesota in early June, I was lifeguarding for the couple of campers out on the boats. I watched, as they wanted to try out the canoe but kept giving the boating director reasons they couldn’t get in the canoe. At one point he asked them to trust him as they got in the canoe he had prepared for them. Sitting on the dock, I was convicted of if I was willing to trust what God had been preparing me to do: missions in Japan.

Looking back I can see God putting the pieces in place for me to be a missionary in Japan. When I was an early teen, I was paired to help a woman, who had recently been a missionary in Japan, with a Vacation Bible School class. During our breaks, she would talk to me about Japan. God used this as the catalyst to get me interested in Japan.

My summers between college I worked at a Bible camp in northern Minnesota and God used the time to show me He had given me a passion for working with youth and camping ministry. Another couple pieces He was putting in place.

During my years at college, I co-lead two missions trips and was the missions intern my senior year. God used this time and experience to really cultivate what missions is in my life. Once again, another piece God was weaving into my life.

Looking at options after I graduated that incorporated all the pieces and passions God had given me was difficult. It usually meant I wasn’t able to utilize them all…until I realized sitting on the dock that day; God was calling me to full-time missions though camping in Japan!

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