
Sydney Kimball

In: Europe, Spain
ID: 402730
Hola! My name is Sydney and I am headed off to the missions field in Uribe Kosta, Spain. I will be serving under a family of missionaries who have begun the process of planting a church in the unreached Basque region. I cannot wait to assist with outreach, children's ministry and the English language learning program that the church provides the community. The main focus of our team is to love people well while doing life alongside them. We believe this is the best way to demonstrate the heart of Christ through continuous service and community.

The Lord has been preparing my heart for this exact call for what seems like my whole life. I visited Spain for the first time when I was just four years old and my mom had spoken over my life that she believed I would live there one day. Little did I know that 17 years later, the Lord would place a burden on my heart for the people of Spain so powerful that the only response I could give was a resounding "YES!" I could not believe that God had ordained for all of my prior life experiences to be utilized in a call so perfectly and intricately knit together for me.

I feel so blessed to be used by Him in this way. I, on a daily basis, will be able to love on a people group I care for so deeply and I am overwhelmed by gratitude at just the thought of it. I am inexpressbly excited for this new journey and I cannot wait to see what God will do right before my eyes as I attempt to walk in His will and seek the Lost in the beautiful country of Spain.


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