Location: Japan
ID: 183323
After the great earthquake on March 11, 2011, SEND Japan helped in the relief work. In 2014, we moved to Iwate Prefecture, to the city of Kamaishi, to cooperate with Ippo Ippo Ministry. Ippo Ippo helped with post-disaster recovery work in the tsunami areas and planted a church — the Sanriku Nozomi Christian Church. (Sanriku means three continents in northeast Japan; Nozomi means hope.)
The church has two sites, one in Kamaishi (weekdays, it is a volunteer center and dormitory), another located in Yamada (weekdays, it is a charity café center). On weekdays there are tea salons, craft activities or sometimes mini concerts held in Yamada café or in temporary houses in Kamaishi. On Sunday morning there are simultaneous worship services.
Please pray for God love and hope to attract more and more people come to seek Him. Our son, Samuel, studies in public school. Please pray for his experience with God.