Noah & Rebecca Russell

Noah & Rebecca Russell

Location:  Alaska & Northern Canada (SEND North)

ID:  405502

Noah and Rebecca Russell are excited to be serving with Send North in Anchorage, Alaska! Their role primarily involves maintaining and flying Send North aircraft but also includes any task that can help other missionaries living throughout Alaska and Canada. Many of these workers are living in isolated villages where there is no road access, so the pilots and their flights are their lifeline to the outside world. This can mean everything from grocery shopping for village missionaries, delivering medication, driving passengers to and from the airport, or simply mopping the hanger floor. They look forward to seeing how God uses them to support His workers in the north.

Noah and Rebecca met while studying aviation at LeTourneau University and there they dedicated their lives to the Lord's plans and whatever He guides them to do. Since that dedication, God has led them on a dynamic journey to bring them to Alaska and Send North. Both Noah and Rebecca are licensed commercial pilots and mechanics, but God has specifically given good flying experience and natural piloting ability to Noah and granted Rebecca with skills to inspect and maintain aircraft with attention to detail. They are excited to serve with SEND North and thankful for your prayers and support of their ministry!



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