Location: North America
ID: 23221
God is bringing people from all around the world to our North American cities “that they should seek God... and find him” (Acts 17:27). As churches become aware of needs among the immigrant communities around them, they are looking for effective ways to cross language, religious, and cultural boundaries in order to minister to these people. In response, SEND International has launched a new initiative, drawing from years of cross-cultural awareness and experience, in relational discipleship and church planting among new immigrants.
As part of this initiative, S & L P have accepted the call to lead the Lancaster team in a “joint venture” with others who share the vision to serve and introduce Jesus to those who are among the least reached people of our world, and who now reside in our communities. It’s S & L’s joy to share the love and hope of Christ with those who have come through trauma and crises, offering practical help as they serve in his name. The team’s goal is to see a vital expanding fellowship of new Christ-followers among these new friends in the Lancaster region.
To accomplish this, they need your help! As missionaries with SEND International they are responsible to raise 100% of their support. In order for them to do their ministry, they need people like you to partner with them. Will you join with them in bringing the gospel to unreached immigrant families in Lancaster?