Anthony & Katy Smith

Anthony & Katy Smith

Location:  Japan

ID:  205848

We are passionate about sharing the love of God with those around us in fulfillment of God command to go and make disciples of all nations. To that end, we specifically felt a strong call to live and love alongside the Japanese people. In 2019 we moved to Tokyo and are partnering with our fellow believers, so that God might be glorified and the Japanese church might grow. We are on a church-planting team that seeks to strengthen and encourage Japanese believers and are focusing on teaching children and young families.We were blessed with our daughter Olivia in 2020 and we celebrated the birth of our second daughter Lily in 2022.

We are excited that the Lord is guiding us each day to share the gospel with the Japanese, one of the least-reached people groups of the world.


  • Favorite verse: "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" — Psalm 96:3



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