Tim Farver

Tim Farver

Location:  Alaska & Northern Canada (SEND North)

ID:  405880

My name is Tim Farver, and I am excited to share an incredible opportunity I have to serve with SEND International in reaching unreached people groups in Alaska. Currently, I am a senior at the Moody Bible Institute. My pastoral studies degree has grown my passion for vocational ministry and missions. SEND presents a unique internship that combines my skills and interests in aviation with church planting. As one of the pioneering interns of SEND’s new Project Caribou program in Alaska, I will be able to get hands-on experience in the realm of missions that God is leading me to explore. My internship will begin in Port Alsworth where I will be using aviation to bring in youth to a Vacation Bible School. This will allow me to build connections with Alaskan youth and to see missions aviation firsthand. Then I will move to the small hub fishing village of Dillingham where I will spend the majority of my internship partnering with an established local church there. Working alongside SEND missionaries I will develop different mobilization programs to expand the church’s reach to fellow isolated remote villages who have no church or access to the gospel.

To make this mission possible, I need to raise about $10,000 to cover travel and living expenses and to put some money towards paying for my next semester in college. Your partnership can make a real difference—whether through prayer or financial support. Any amount you feel led to give will help bring lasting hope to these remote communities.

If you’d like to support this mission, you can donate here! Thank you for considering partnering with me to bring the gospel to Alaska. Together, we can make a lasting impact!

Watch this video to better understand Project Caribou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oy38XjhEr4

Follow this link to SEND North’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sendnorth

Send me an email! timothy.farverj@gmail.com

In Christ,

Tim Farver



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