Japan Hi-BA Camp ReBirth

Japan Hi-BA Camp ReBirth

Location:  Japan

ID:  29592

Beginning in 1952, thousands of high school students have become disciples of Jesus Christ during their times at Hi-BA Camp. The camp still serves today as a place students can meet Jesus Christ, commit their lives to him, and begin following him through discipleship. Over the years, camp buildings have been updated/replaced but with the combination of aging, typhoons, and years of use, they are in great need of an overall physical ReBirth. Would you consider what God would have you do financially in the physical ReBirth of Hi-BA Camp?

Click to learn more about the new hi-b.a. campsite appeal .

Pictured below is a model (front and back) of the new building.

Front Side:
Model of the new building

Back Side:

Image of the back of the hiba model.



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