Japan Hi-BA Ministry

Japan Hi-BA Ministry

Location:  Japan

ID:  29555

Hi-BA is a ministry of evangelism and discipleship to Japanese and international high school students through after-school Bible studies, large group meetings, special events, camps, youth rallies, and accountability groups. Hi-BA seeks to support the Japanese church by training high school studentsto reach high school students for Jesus Christ.

Hi-BA has a solid track record (since 1952) of effective youth ministry in Japan. Because of this, pastors and church leaders throughout the country have asked Hi-BA for resources and training in how to effectively work with youth. We hope to assist in developing this part of their ministry.

Our desire is to be involved both in frontline evangelism and discipleship as well as in a ministry of equipping and resourcing churches throughout Japan for youth ministry. By partnering with Hi-BA in addition to working on a church planting team, we hope to strengthen the local church’sability to reach young Japanese for Christ.


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