Location: Ukraine
ID: 29630
Ukraine was once the bread basket of the Soviet Union, supplying food for the whole USSR. Now the country is poised to offer spiritual food as well, sending out Ukrainian missionaries to places where western missionaries could not easily go. The Ukrainian church leadership is excited for this potential and has asked SEND to help them send out 500 missionaries over the next ten years. The process begins with training and short-term missions.
1 - Envisioning- Ukrainian and SEND missionaries will teach the Kairos Course, developed from Perspectives on World Missions, to churches and church leaders to give them a vision for world missions.
2 - Equipping- SEND will help train short-term teams in preparation for their trips and debrief them when they return.
3 - Engaging- Ten short-term teams of eight members each will be sent out to minister in various locations of the former Soviet Union. Groups of pastors and church leaders will also take vision trips to see missions work first-hand.
This project has great potential to mobilize Ukrainians into missions and reach thousands of lost people in Central Asia.
Gifts to this project will supplement the Kairos Courses, short-term training and debrief, and short-term trip and vision trip costs.
Project cost: $290,000