Location: Ukraine
ID: 29558
Established in 1989, Odessa Theological Seminary (OTS) is one of the oldest post-soviet evangelical theological education institutions. OTS has graduated more than a 1000 students who are serving worldwide as preachers, pastors, teachers, educators, church planters, cross-cultural missionaries, youth workers and as ministers to orphans and the needy. There currently 168 students studying in 9 different academic programs.
The seminary mission statement, in part, is to help "...the church to prepare Christians for church and missionary ministries, educational development in the church and community to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)."
Annual operational expenses for OTS come from tuition revenue and, primarily, donations. Almost 30% comes from Ukrainian monetary and non-monetary sources. Current circumstances in the country (inflation, depression and military conflict) are making finances less available while, at the same time, the need for leaders grounded in the Word of God is increasing. While the main purpose of the Operational Expense Funding Program is very specific and intentional (see next paragraph), immediate giving will provide temporary financial stability to get OTS through these tough times.
The overarching goal of the Funding Program is to move each of our 3 main partner schools, including OTS, to a place of greater institutional health. Thus, in order to receive these funds each institution is required not only to provide an account of the use of the funds but also to demonstrate progress towards previously-agreed-to institutional benchmarks. For OTS, those benchmarks are: an alumni association, a fundraising plan, a staff member primarily responsible for fundraising, and a plan to increase local support. These benchmarks are geared towards helping the institution become more financially independent and functionally stable.
OTS is an outstanding school and is making tremendous impact both inside and outside of Ukraine. Please consider giving toward the training of future Christian leaders though OTS.