Location: Philippines SENDing Council
ID: 29308
When you pray over a bigchallenge, your heart growsmore aware of God’s peace,his plan. Billions alive todayhave never heard the gospelmessage. The challengeis huge! Praise God, manyFilipino believers are eagerto be sent as missionaries tothese unreached. Our missionsrecruiters in the Philippineshelp future missionariesdetermine where to serve.Your gift will allow them to visitministry areas for two purposes:
1. To better understandthe strategic opportunitiesto make disciples in eachunreached community.
2. To pray. Recruiters will roamthrough temples, mosques,markets, parks, businesscenters, and so on, askingGod to send new workers toeach of these Harvest fields.
$1,150 / prayer tour - 10 needed