
Am I Ready?

SEND is passionate about helping you go and serve well among the unreached. Here are five questions to help you consider whether you’re ready to go and how SEND’s missions coaches and your local church can help you grow toward being sent.

1. Your story: What is your personal story of hearing and responding to the good news of Jesus and his offer of salvation? Missionaries lead others to follow Jesus. 

2. Your life: How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? Your daily, personal walk with the Lord equips you to serve as a good ambassador for God in any culture. 

3. Your church: When you discuss your interest in missions with your church leaders, how have they encouraged you to pursue God's leading? Local churches play the primary role in sending and caring for missionaries. 

4. Your beliefs: What are your thoughts about SEND's statement of faithServing alongside a great team—a team you are excited about and can work with in unity—can help you and your ministry thrive. 

5. Your faith: How do you feel about placing your faith in God for his provision for all your needs as you seek to serve him? Joining God in his mission to reach the unreached means relying on him to provide for all your needs.

As you considered these questions, maybe God has prompted you to take a next step. Connect with a SEND missions coach to continue discerning your role in God's mission!

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Because God uses all types of people to reach the unreached, we offer a wide range of opportunities to serve in his mission—short-term (2 weeks up to 1 year), mid-term (1-3 years), and long-term (3+ years).