People Group
Alutiiq, Athabaskan, Tlingit, Yupik, Inuit
Major Religions
Ethnic religions, Orthodox Christianity
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We call it the 60/70 Window: Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Nunavut — names that signal harsh climate, immense geography, isolated communities and intense spiritual needs.
It is SEND North’s vision to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers who meet together regularly and have established regional leadership.
Ways that we engage the lost and train disciples:
Many of the communities in the 60/70 Window struggle with substance abuse, poverty, loss of culture, suicide and other problems that present unique challenges for church planting. The people of the north are known to be very creative and relational. They have a strong sense of community and a respect for both the natural and spiritual world.
SEND North personnel seek to:
SEND North would like to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers. To bring about this vision, we would like to accomplish the following within the next five years:
SEND North is looking for: