Alaska / Northern Canada

People Group

Alutiiq, Athabaskan, Tlingit, Yupik, Inuit

Major Religions

Ethnic religions, Orthodox Christianity 


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SEND’s Ministry

We call it the 60/70 Window: Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Nunavut — names that signal harsh climate, immense geography, isolated communities and intense spiritual needs.

It is SEND North’s vision to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers who meet together regularly and have established regional leadership.

Ways that we engage the lost and train disciples:

  • Incarnational disciple making
  • Pastoral ministry
  • Bi-vocational ministry (nursing, teaching, counselling, etc.)
  • Youth ministry
  • Summer camps
  • Bible day camps
  • Aviation ministry 


Spiritual Climate

Many of the communities in the 60/70 Window struggle with substance abuse, poverty, loss of culture, suicide and other problems that present unique challenges for church planting. The people of the north are known to be very creative and relational. They have a strong sense of community and a respect for both the natural and spiritual world.

SEND North personnel seek to:

  • Live in these communities with intentional, long-term focus
  • Build relationships
  • Effectively communicate the gospel across various cultures
  • Disciple local people with the intent that they would also make disciples

Team Goals

SEND North would like to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers. To bring about this vision, we would like to accomplish the following within the next five years:

  • Mobilize and equip short-term ministry teams to enter 10 unreached villages.
  • Initiate three new Bible studies in the Anchorage area that include members of unreached people groups.
  • Facilitate the appointment of 10 new local elders who will have a vision for regional church ministry.
  • Organize and launch three new, annual events designed to draw regional believers in for fellowship, discipleship, and small-group formation. (Current examples are youth gatherings, men’s retreats, and shotgun shoots.)

Would you be a good fit for this team?

SEND North is looking for:

  • People with a passion for people. No matter your skills or vocation, Northern missionaries need to strive to intentionally pursue trust-building, gospel-proclaiming relationships in all that they do. Most often this takes place outside of a church building or program and will happen in everyday life. Spending time with others doing what they value is central to what we are about. Taking time to learn their culture, values and worldview are critical to ministry effectiveness. Visiting people in their homes or talking about Christ while hunting — this is what ministry looks like for us.
  • People who are independent enough to survive in a remote village, yet who understand how much believers need one another. You need to have a strong walk with the Lord that can remain steadfast without a thriving local church, yet not simply think you can survive without other believers either. The people of the North are independent and geographically cut off from others. Our people need to help be a catalyst for connecting isolated believers to one another.
  • People who want to see local people discipled. Our ministry is not about buildings or programs; we are about seeing every person grow to maturity in Christ. This means you likely will never have a large church that looks to you as its pastor. Instead, you will strive to work with individuals and small groups to help them learn how to make disciples.
  • People who are willing to learn from and respect a culture different from theirs. SEND North is all about bringing the gospel across cultural (and geographical) boundaries. You need to be ready to listen before you speak. You must be willing to take months, even years, to earn the right to share your faith. Although most of the people speak English, their values and worldview will likely be different than yours.
  • Other things that help but are not required: Familiarity with life in extreme winter conditions. Interest in subsistence lifestyle practices such as hunting, fishing, canning, trapping, gardening, etc. Maintenance skills for small engines and homes (home heating & plumbing systems, snowmobiles, ATVs, etc).


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