
People Group

Bulgarians, Turkish Roma, Roma

Major Religions

85% of Bulgarians are Orthodox but only 1% regularly attend church


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SEND’s Ministry

The SEND Bulgaria team is small but very active in the community. Our passion is to help churches grow and shine. Currently, we do this by counseling in person and online. We are looking for teammates who can help us expand our reach in the community.

The Bulgarians and Roma are very social and love to interact. A local pastor believes that young people here need role models who can help give them hope and break the challenges of human trafficking, prostitution, drug addiction and domestic violence. In the village where we live, a lot of the younger generation have emigrated or moved to Sofia to work in the city or abroad. The older generation still in the villages have thriving, large vegetable and fruit gardens.

There are great opportunities in Bulgaria for people who are interested in living here and giving hope to the local community. How do you feel the Lord could use you here?


Spiritual Climate

According to local Bulgarian pastors, the population is only 1-2% evangelical Christian. When Bulgaria regained its freedom in 1989, the people wanted to reclaim their national identity. To Bulgarians, this meant reviving Orthodox traditions. Unfortunately for most Bulgarians, that is all that religion means--identity and tradition, often mixed with superstition.

One local pastor said recently that the Lord is activating young people here to evangelize, and that what Bulgaria needs most is people who love God and love people.

In our local area, 70-80% of the Roma are Christian, but according to one of the leaders, they face challenges of unity among the leadership. The Roma youth say that they are bored and have nothing to do.

We have noticed that people are very open to being prayed with and very grateful that we take the time to share hope from the Bible.

Team Goals

Train Bulgarians and Roma in Christian counseling to reach out to their communities

Facilitate new missionaries coming to live and fellowship with the active, local church

Help the active, local church to develop children’s and youth ministries

Help the local church facilitate adult Bible classes and discipleship

Initiate Community Development Projects that create job opportunities and financial stability for local young people 

Life in Bulgaria Looks Like:

  • People who are proud of their national heritage, as the oldest country in Europe, preserving its original name since 681 AD
  • Naturally diverse landscape with mountains, Black Sea coast, rivers, lakes and hot springs
  • Beautiful cities with reliable public transportation, interesting sites and tasty food
  • Villages and towns with rich garden produce due to excellent agricultural land and climate
  • People who want hope and a vision for a good future 

Would you be a good fit for this team?

Bulgaria needs people who are determined and optimistic. There are a lot of young people who are hungry for people with hope, who believe that life can work in Bulgaria.

The people are proud and passionate, loving their traditions, climate, language and food while at the same time lacking in confidence to effect change and make things happen. Bulgaria needs people who are persistent and believe that people can change.


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