
People Group

Croatians, Internationals

Major Religions

Roman Catholicism


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SEND’s Ministry

Developing reproducing disciples is the key to establishing reproducing churches. SEND Croatia’s vision is to see all regions in Croatia have established, healthy, reproducing, Biblical churches that have societal influence. SEND Croatia comes alongside our national partners to mobilize God’s people, engage the unreached, and establish healthy reproducing churches. A variety of methods include youth ministry, tract distribution, Christian camping, Bible teaching, small groups, leadership development, and creative engagement.

SEND Croatia partners together with the Baptist Union in Croatia to encourage existing churches and to plant new churches in areas where there is no existing church. We work closely with our national partners following their leadership and helping where they need us. We also partner together with Scripture Union Croatia in providing religious education materials and camps for children and youth in the hopes of evangelizing and discipling the next generation.


Spiritual Climate

The culture is shifting—while most Croatians still identify as Catholic, in actuality, they live a dichotomy of “God on one side and life on another.” Interest in church and God is declining. The majority of Croatians are pragmatic agnostics and a growing number would identify themselves as something other than Catholic—Agnostic, Muslim, Atheist, or other.

Team Goals

By the end of 2025, SEND Croatia will, LORD willing: 

  • Have 3 new units on the field learning language and preparing to partner with a national in a church or church plant.
  • Start 5 new strategic outreach initiatives, working alongside our national partners.
  • Work with our national partners to see the body of Christ reaching 3 new communities.

Life in Croatia looks like: 

Croatia is a small country with many small cities. Life is a little slower than the hustle and bustle of the West. People here take time to grab coffee and enjoy each others' company. Many life-giving conversations happen over that cup of coffee. Croatia is a mix of East meets West. We enjoy the conveniences of the West but have a rich-Balkan history that influences many of the people here.  

Would you be a good fit for this team?

We are looking for humble, flexible, servant-hearted leaders who will come alongside us and our national partners to see God's Kingdom grow. We want teammates who have the heart to serve, being new ideas, make meaningful relationships, learn the language and culture, and listen to the needs of the people and our church partners. We desire to engage people with the gospel in creative and new ways but patience is key when serving here in Croatia. It takes time to see people come to faith, it takes time to see ideas come to life. As the Croatians would say, "polako," meaning take it slow. 


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