
People Group


Major Religions

85% unaffiliated with a specific religion (including atheists and agnostics)


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SEND’s Ministry

The SEND Czech team offers opportunities for all types of people. In the Czech Republic we are looking for a wide range of personalities, abilities, and giftings in order to reach our vision of seeing the Czech people being transformed by the gospel and reaching their neighbors.

Our team is focused on partnering with existing local churches and helping them plant new churches in under reached towns and cities. As we move into these towns and cities we need people who seek to work with youth, young families, broken families, singles, or even the elderly. We want to plant churches that deeply care about reaching their neighborhoods and cities with the gospel. This means that we want to reach all types of people.


Spiritual Climate

Over 30 years after the fall of communism, the Czech Republic remains one of the least formally religious countries in the world, although the atmosphere has changed. In the 1990’s the vast majority of Czechs would identify as atheists, and while there are still many atheists in the country, things have changed. Unfortunately, there has not been a rise in Christianity over this time period; in fact, the number of Christians in the country has actually shrunk. Now, a large number of Czechs are agnostic or a mix from different religions to create their own personal religion. Spirituality is actually quite popular in the Czech Republic, just not Christian spirituality. You could say that the dominant religion in the Czech Republic is nothing, yet also everything all of the time. Czechs are fairly ambivalent towards Christianity, yet are generally quite interested in talking about spirituality or religion. Many Czechs have never heard the gospel explained. Opportunities abound to have gospel conversations with friends and neighbors.

Team Goals

  • In Fall of 2022 our team will begin working directly with a new church plant in the town of Chomutov in partnership with the CB church in the town of Most.
  • We seek to continue to develop our relationship with the CB denomination and local congregations in order to further partner with them in planting new churches in underreached cities and towns in the Bohemia region of Czech.
  • We want to focus specifically on making disciples and not simply winning new converts. One of our goals is to focus heavily on not just telling others about the gospel, but walking alongside them, equipping them, and discipling them as well.

Life in Czech looks like:

In the Czech Republic mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes abound. Gospel conversations often take place on hikes, or even bike trips, at a ski lodge, or while river rafting.

If you are not into sports that’s OK too! Czechs enjoy relaxing and talking in cafes and pubs.

Czechs are stereotypically closed off to outsiders and relationships and trust take a long time to build. As a result, ministry can be slow to start. However, once relationships are built they are often deep and strong.

Czechs are extremely proud of their language and enjoy helping foreigners learn it, as long as you are willing to be laughed at occasionally. 

Would you be a good fit for this team?

Our team is looking for people who love those who do not know the gospel. We want people who are interested in learning about the local culture and are willing to wrestle with the Czech language. The region of the country in which we are focusing our church planting efforts also has a high concentration of people who are unemployed, in poverty, or struggled with addictions. If you have a heart for the disenfranchised, this might be a good opportunity for you. Anyone who joins our team needs to recognize that work here is often slow and hard. We don’t care if you are an introvert or an extrovert, young or old, married or single, with or without kids. We want a diverse team that can help plant diverse churches. 


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