
People Group


Major Religions

Roman Catholicism


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SEND’s Ministry

The SEND Poland team offers opportunities for you to make a lasting impact. We do this by teaming with national believers to establish new churches and facilitating developing churches in southwest Poland.

We are looking for team members to join us in connecting with Polish people through language classes, discussion and game clubs, and sports and youth ministries—anything that builds meaningful friendships!


Spiritual Climate

Almost 90% of Polish people practice the rituals and rights of Roman Catholicism but have never heard the Gospel, have no true sense of eternal security afforded believers, and have never had anyone pray for them by name. Polish people know all about religion; they need the relationship and grace freely given through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Faithful and seeking, Polish people are looking for truth and it is our desire to see them come to know the Truth and be set free by Him.

Team Goals

In the next five years, SEND Poland will:

  • Strengthen partnerships with Polish national pastors and believers.
  • Begin one new church planting site in Poland and another in the Czech Republic.
  • Intentionally reach out to college-age students and youth in our church plants.
  • Encourage the personal practice of regular solitary times of prayer.
  • Keep the goal of obedience-based discipleship as the key priority of every missionary.
  • Host 1-2 internships per year for students feeling called to cross-cultural missions.

Life in Poland Looks Like: 

  • Deep, spiritual conversations as Polish people seek truth
  • Life-long friendships made and fostered through discipleship
  • Gracious help for foreigners willing to learn the Polish language and culture
  • A beautifully vibrant and colorful country home to seashores, forests and mountain ranges, creating a stark contrast to its grey and communist reputation
  • Efficient, inexpensive and safe public transportation connecting cities, towns and villages
  • Delicious, healthy food renowned worldwide for its pierogi and paczki
  • A convenient location in the very center of Europe 

Would you be a good fit for this team? 

SEND Poland needs workers who are flexible, adaptable, genuine and patient. We need people who connect easily with others but are willing to commit the time needed to develop real, life-long friendships. This involves learning the language and culture so that life-transformation and discipleship can take place. Biblical knowledge and personal transparency in your Christian walk will be extremely profitable during your time in Poland.


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