
People Group


Major Religions

Orthodox Christianity


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SEND’s Ministry

SEND’s work in Romania is just beginning. We are partnering with Romanian church planters to engage lost communities while also equipping local believers to become disciple makers in order to establish churches in unreached areas. Beyond this, we are eagerly working to raise up future church leaders and Romanian missionaries to go to the unreached peoples of the world.

Here in Romania, we develop meaningful relationships through life-on-life opportunities in both the village and city contexts. Our team engages the community through youth ministry, groups for young married couples, Roma ministry, neighborhood outreach, one-on-one Bible studies, and training of future church leaders.

We are currently looking for people to join our team that would diversify our lasting impact. Explore with us new potentials in college ministry, teaching English classes, business as missions, social media influence, community discipleship center, etc. All skills and interests can open doors for the gospel here in Romania. 


Our Vision

Romanians Passionate for the Gospel. Romania Transformed by the Gospel.

Spiritual Climate

After the fall of Communism, Romania experienced a spiritual revival. The work of local churches and foreign missionaries doubled the number of evangelical churches in one decade, but most of those churches were in the north. Southern Romania remains virtually unreached.  Believers here, though few in number, are committed to spreading the gospel and have asked SEND for help. Many in the younger generation have left the traditional ways of Orthodoxy. They are searching for the truth and hungry for authentic relationships. We see a great need and openness for evangelism and discipleship in southern Romania.

Team Goals

After the fall of Communism, Romania experienced a spiritual revival. The work of local churches and foreign missionaries doubled the number of evangelical churches in one decade, but most of those churches were in the north. Southern Romania remains virtually unreached.  Believers here, though few in number, are committed to spreading the gospel and have asked SEND for help. Many in the younger generation have left the traditional ways of Orthodoxy. They are searching for the truth and hungry for authentic relationships. We see a great need and openness for evangelism and discipleship in southern Romania.

Life in Romania looks like:

  • Explore the cultural blend of East meets West in Romania.
  • Live among a generation hungry for authenticity and truth.
  • Enjoy modern conveniences alongside traditional lifestyles.
  • Discover spiritual growth through challenging experiences.
  • Encourage a small body of believers striving to live Biblically in a community that’s been historically stagnant.
  • Use your interests and gifts to engage the community in new ways.
  • Join a growing team passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and mobilization.
  • Make a lasting impact living relationally while sharing the gospel hope with others. 

Would you be a good fit for this team?

We are looking for humble, creative and authentic teammates who are eager to build relationships in the community. We are a team that partners with nationals in a variety of ways and it is important for us to be life-long learners. In order to thrive amidst all the demands of cross-cultural living, we prioritize Sabbath rest and spiritual growth. There’s a place for you in Romania if you are eager to: Explore new pathways for community transformation. Engage an unreached people group. Make meaningful relationships. Evangelize and disciple others. Train future church leaders. Mobilize missionaries.


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