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Roman Catholicism


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SEND’s Ministry

The SEND Slovenia team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and talents to proclaim Christ in a beautiful but spiritual needy place in Europe. Our team is praying and working to see a movement of Jesus followers, disciples, who are committed to one another and to bringing hope and transformation to Slovenia and beyond.

In addition to Bible studies, a huge part of our ministry is building and maintaining relationships in our communities in various ways. A lot of this is happening in everyday life. We are committed to live life with gospel intentionality. This includes helping with teaching English and German, activities for kids and teens, creative and learning workshops for adults and working together with local projects. We would love to do more -- you and your individual gifting can help expand what we are doing and leave a lasting impact.


Spiritual Climate

Slovenia, like many other places in Europe, is post-Christian, meaning that though many Slovenes are nominally Catholic, participation in the Catholic church is declining and few know Christ personally. Most towns have no gospel witness to tell them Christ is the answer. Outwardly, Slovenes are hard working and enjoy a good quality of life. This self-dependence can be a barrier for them to seek the help of God or to understand crucial gospel concepts like grace.

Team Goals

In the next five years, SEND Slovenia will:

  • Establish the church plant in Ptuj.
  • Establish another church plant in a new location partnering with the Maribor church.
  • Add church planters, youth workers, and an evangelist to the Slovenia team. 

Life in Slovenia looks like:

Slovenia is a beautiful country to live in. Slovenes enjoy the outdoors, meet a lot in cafes and restaurants, and go on hikes in the beautiful nature. Recreational sports are popular. From the outside, life in Slovenia seems very idyllic. However, there are some spiritual barriers in place that can make serving here challenging. Also, culturally, Slovenes are rather closed and self-sufficient. Therefore, developing relationships with locals takes time and long-term commitment. But it is worth it - there is nothing better than seeing God at work! 

Would you be a good fit for this team?

You are a good fit for this team if you enjoy sharing your life and Jesus with others. Our ministry is more about being with people and relationships than it is about programs. We are very open for new creative ideas and want you to use whatever skills God has given you (teaching English, playing sports, music, etc.) for outreach, to serve and to connect with people.

Do you view yourself as a learner? Awesome! We welcome curiosity and a willingness to learn is essential. There is lots to learn here: language, culture(s) and new skills.

We are a diverse team looking for others to join us long term in sustainable service to make disciples here in Slovenia.

Please consider reaching out to us to explore joining our team!


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