“You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor 12:27). Has God called you to be a part of his work? Below are many ways you can join us.
Learn more:
- Follow us on Facebook to get a better picture of what we do and where we serve.
Share: Share our introductory video and free report with your family and friends.
Pray: This is the simplest and yet the most powerful way to join God's work. Join our prayer team, Push Back the Darkness, to get bi-weekly email prayer points.
Give: If you feel so led, there are many options for you to give financially.
- We have several projects which can use your support. Follow this link to view all SEND North Projects
- If you desire to personally support a missionary, we have several folks in their initial phase of raising support. Contact us for more information.
- For those who live in the Pacific-Northwest, Fred Meyer has a rewards card which you can link to SEND North as your favorite non-profit in their Fred Meyer Community Rewards program. Your purchases of most things will then benefit us and we will get a quarterly remittance from Fred Meyer.
Join us on the field:
- There are small work projects, ministry internships, and summer camp ministries.
- We also have a specific experience designed for church leadership teams considering a more strategic partnership with us. Contact us to learn more.
- Full-Time Ministry: If you sense God may be leading you to join us in full-time ministry, you can go the traditional self-supported ministry route or you can do bi-vocational (tent making) ministry by working somewhere in the Far North.
The Next Step: Explore missions by talking to a coach. Get started here.