Those ministering in the North face a host of heartbreaking statistics played out in the lives of those they have come to love. Violence, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, sexual abuse, incarceration, and broken families are just some of the realities of working in bush ministry. Servants working in the North must face these challenges while working amid an ancient culture experiencing a modern revival. They must navigate sharing the Gospel in a community that has synergistic roots and where history places them as an
unwelcome outsider. These hurdles take place, mainly in isolation, in a harsh climate and an expensive, remote setting. Bible College and general cross-cultural training are extremely valuable, but no other training exists to teach and train servants for the particular issues of Northern Ministry. Northern Ministry Training is essential to the long-term health of bush ministry and those who serve in the North.
If you have been any length of time in bush ministry, this is the training you always wished you had. Ask a Native pastor cultural questions, hear ideas on reaching the village youth from those who have been doing it for 30 years, find solutions on dealing with grief, loneliness, and isolation, get a crash course on Alaska Mission History, and network with other families and singles walking the same road. If you are new to the ministry or coming to
the North for a short-term trip, learn basic do’s and don’ts, an explanation of native culture, common mistakes, and toss questions at a panel of elders. This training is for anyone (missionaries, church workers, teachers, and tent making professionals) reaching out to their neighbors in Northern bush communities.
Northern Ministry Training boasts a large number of speakers, but one of the hidden strengths of the program is you. Each participant offers invaluable information. NMT is geared to be a time of networking; it is designed to help us all learn from each other. None of us can reach more than a small area, and we all need to learn from what God is doing in and through you. This is more than a slogan. It is a cornerstone of NMT. Each class strives to provide stimulating information along with fostering helpful discussion within the class. Share ideas, successes, Northern Ministry Training boasts a large number of speakers, but one of the hidden strengths of the program is you. Each participant offers invaluable information. We all learn from each other and discover mistakes to avoid. You are the expert in your village, and your input is priceless. The goal is for NMT to last much longer than this week. It is built to create connections throughout the North and you are needed in this effort.