
Vietnam | Education and Teaching Ministry

Vietnam | Education and Teaching Ministry

Vietnam | Education and Teaching Ministry


SEND Europe is looking for missionary interns in the Czech Republic. During this internship you will study the Czech language, learn to live cross-culturally, and minister in a post-Christian context. Ministry opportunities include a club for young moms with their kids, youth, university students, church planting, music, and English or sports camps over the summer.

Countries:  Czech Republic, Europe

Terms:  Short-Term (4-6 months), Short-Term (7-12 months)


  • Help lead a Bible study group for international students

  • Be involved in the day-to-day life of a small church - plant

  • Use conversational English as a way to meet people in the community

  • Use hospitality, sports, or hiking as a way to build relationships and reach people with the gospel

  • Help lead worship during Sunday services

  • Attend the weekly youth gatherings and learn more about Czech church culture

  • Study the conversational Czech language

  • Help prepare and lead in the club for mom's with young kids at a local church

Specific Qualifications:

  • Experience in children/youth/university ministry preferred

  • Camp experience

  • Ability to explain Biblical truth to all ages

  • Team player

  • Willingness to learn from local pastors and ministry leaders

  • Desire to learn Czech language and culture

  • ESL/ Tesol experience for those pursuing English - based outreach

  • Experience leading worship for those pursuing music-based opportunities

Additional Information:

Local Vision

We want to see Czechs transformed by the gospel and reaching their neighbors, so that churches are established both in the Czech Republic and around the world.

Kingdom Development Goals

Build Durable, Healthy, Strong Families

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