
Member Care | Alaska

An individual or couple that are equipped to provide Member Care to SEND North members through encouragement, prayer, and ongoing relationship.
Country: Alaska, SEND North
Term: Long-Term (3+ years), Mid-Term (1 - 3 years)
  • Encourage, visit, and give logistical, spiritual, and prayer support to missionaries over a large geographic region. This ministry includes elements of regular communication and traveling in small planes. 
  • Ensure that missionaries are consistently prayed for, and the field is informed of SEND North prayer needs.
  • Connecting SEND North members to the organization and one another by coordinating and participating in trainings, conferences, and retreats that challenge, grow, and refresh.
  • Providing proactive and creative personalized engagement with SEND North missionaries.
  • Coordinating and/or carrying out missionary kids’ ministry to encourage, mentor, and challenge going deeper in building their own faith.
Specific Qualifications:
  • Sensitivity to the unique stresses and challenges encountered by missionaries serving cross-culturally. 
  • Cross-cultural ministry experience preferred.
  • Ability to work across generations, from children to adults.
  • A desire to grow and learn in the field of Member Care.  Access resources outside of SEND North and connect them with needs and members.