Vietnam | Education and Teaching Ministry

SEND North | Project Caribou Youth Outreach Team

Opportunity Overview:

SEND North is launching Project Caribou ministry centers into strategic regional hub villages in Alaska and Northern Canada. We are looking for teammates that have a love for youth and family work to engage local people with little or no Gospel witness. We go as a team, connected and growing together, benefiting from each other's gifts. Join us in bringing renewed energy and encouragement to the remote followers of Christ in the North, engaging the under-reached youth and families of these strategic hub villages, expanding outreach to the surrounding villages, and training younger followers of Jesus and those interested in cross-cultural work.

Countries:  Alaska / Northern Canada

Terms:  Long-Term (3+ years), Mid-Term (1 - 3 years), Short-Term (1-3 months), Short-Term (4-6 months)




  • Share the love of Christ.
  • Participate in a local body of Christ, learning from those who are established in the hub village.
  • Work as a team to create outreach opportunities to the underreached youth in the hub village. (These could include attending community events, participating in local youth sports or other activities, leading after-school tutoring programs, hospitality, serving at Bible camps, youth groups, and small group discipleship.)
  • Travel regularly by small plane, snowmachine, or boat to surrounding villages. (Visit with Elders to learn the culture or each location, home visits to build relationships, participate in community and school events, do Bible camp follow up visits, host and lead youth outreach events.)

  • Here is a potential Project Caribou team profile:
  • One long-term person or family focused on managing the local team and strategic outreach opportunities. Experienced youth workers preferred.
  • One long-term person or family focused on village outreach and connection. Gifts in cross-cultural networking would be ideal.
  • One to two long-term or mid-term co-vocation person or family that builds pathways and relationships in the hub village through their job and participates in outreach with the team.
  • Two to Three short-term people who stay 6 weeks-12 months. This could include, but is not limited to, college interns, people seeking cross-cultural ministry experience, retired volunteers, or new long-term people who are being apprenticed.


  • Heart for God and love for people
  • Enjoy working with youth (youth comprises any age from birth through adulthood)
  • Interested in creating strategic community outreach as a team
  • Desire to advance the Gospel where there is little access
  • Commitment to working with a team and partnering with the local body of Christ
  • Flexible and willing to serve

Additional Information:

Our Local Vision:

SEND North exists to extend the reach of the local church into villages, communities, and neighborhoods where there is no established church, home fellowship, or regular Bible Study. We mobilize long-term teams filled with incarnational/resident followers of Christ to live in remote communities. Though our teams have a long term impact and presence in the community, they are comprised of long term, mid term and short-term workers as well as those who are traditionally supported for full-time ministry and those who create relationships for ministry through co-vocational pathways. We engage local people with little or no Gospel witness to come to Christ, be discipled, and to be gathered into church communities.

Community Transformation Initiatives:

Engage with Poverty & Injustice
Lift Up Women & Girls
Build Durable, Healthy, Strong Families

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