Taiwan has a population of 23 million. About 3.5 million live in 60 cities and towns, the least-reached with the Good News, from Taoyuan to Tainan, all along the western side of the island. Almost all these towns are connected by two ancient roads, old Route 1 and Route 19.
With the help of railroads, freeways and highways, the last 145 years of church planting have succeeded in reaching Taiwan’s 15 largest cities. However, dozens of smaller communities along these two roads remain almost completely unreached with the sweet fragrance of the gospel. Their average population is 58,000 and most of these towns have less than 1 percent evangelical Christians. These are the hardest cities and towns to reach . They comprise the majority of the working class, factory workers and farming-related industry in Taiwan.
SEND International has a vision to reach all 60 areas with the gospel by 2029. We believe that strong churches in these areas, in partnership with the larger churches and seminaries in the bigger cities, will be able to complete the evangelization of Taiwan.
1-1-9 is also the emergency number in Taiwan. Adopting this number as the new vision is a reminder of the urgency to reach the lost.
Join us in fervent prayer to the Lord of the Harvest for more laborers. We are looking for 119 new missionaries to make this vision a reality. We also need churches to adopt a needy town, cover it in prayer, and send out short-term workers and even three to five families to help plant a church. Will you pray about what you can do to help reach these areas?
Who are you looking for to join SEND Taiwan’s Vision 119?
First, we are seeking those with a clear sense of calling from God to love and serve the people of Taiwan in order to see them come to a life-changing faith in Jesus Christ. Other important characteristics of those who will be fruitful and successful serving with SEND Taiwan in Vision 119 include:
What qualifications are needed to serve with SEND Taiwan?
Applicants are considered for service in SEND on the basis of their ministry and gifts.
Where will I be assigned if I am accepted to work with SEND in Taiwan?
Vision 119 encompasses the region of the western coastal plain of Taiwan from Taoyuan in the north to Tainan in the south, and specifically focuses on 60 cities and smaller towns where few churches exist to bring God’s love to the community.
How is the decision made where I will be assigned with SEND Taiwan?
The Area Council is responsible to assign SEND missionaries to ministry in Taiwan in order to fulfill the vision God has given to reach the least-reached communities with his Good News in Christ. Decisions are made in full consultation with you and in a spirit of prayer seeking God’s leading.
What are the educational options for our children if we serve with SEND in Taiwan?
Mission co-workers in Taiwan’s Vision 119 may choose from the following options for education of their children:
What do you mean by “like-minded” churches, groups or individuals with whom SEND partners in its Taiwan outreach?
“Like-minded” churches, groups or individuals with whom SEND Taiwan can partner demonstrate the following characteristics:
What do you mean by a “term” of service in SEND Taiwan?
A “term” of service in SEND Taiwan is the period of time for which one is assigned between arrival to Taiwan and the first “home service” in one’s sending country. Typically, this is not more than four years, and can be three years depending on the objectives of the work to which one is assigned and personal needs.
What do you mean by a “unit” when you are speaking of those serving with SEND Taiwan?
A ”unit” is a single worker, or a couple, serving under SEND in assigned ministry.
Will I need to raise financial support to serve with SEND in Taiwan?
SEND ascribes to the “faith mission” principle, in which we look to God to provide for the material needs of our work and of us as we serve him. Each SEND member is responsible to secure commitments from churches and friends to fully underwrite the needs of his or her upcoming term of service before departure to Taiwan. Mission leadership is willing to assist and to speak to church leaders on behalf of members if this is considered helpful.
Give to Vision 119.
Maps by George McFall. Used by permission.