Indonesia is home to more than 270 million people and is the world’s most populous Muslim nation. We have an urgency to bring the message of Jesus to those who have never had the opportunity to hear the truth.
Our Local Vision
The vision for SEND in Indonesia is to be the presence of Jesus and bring the message of Jesus among the unreached Muslims. This vision will be fulfilled when there are movements of faithful disciples who gather together and reproduce among these people groups. We believe the best way to accomplish this goal is to implement holistic strategies that include both proclamation and presence. As each unreached people group is engaged, we want to learn from and about them. We want to see them have strong relationships, marriages, families, and communities who then have the capacity to bring Jesus to their natural social network and beyond. Our deepest desire is to see the Gospel spread to these healthy communities and then from these communities to more communities.
Community Transformation Initiatives
Engage with Poverty & Injustice
Educate to Elevate
Lift Up Women & Girls
Generate Decent Jobs
Build Durable, Healthy, Strong Families